Synthetic Trade

ELP-3 Synthetic Trade


ELP-3 Synthetic Trade is a unique feature of our platform, offering leveraged trading opportunities to our users. It allows users to engage in positions that exceed their initial collateral, thus magnifying the potential for profits while also increasing the risk of losses.

Key Features

Maximum Position Size

The maximum size for either an open or short position is capped at $200,000. This means that a user can only have a maximum of $200,000 worth in either a long or short position, offering a balance between risk and reward.

Leverage Range

We currently offer a leverage range up to 20x, allowing users to potentially magnify their returns. However, please note that while leverage can increase potential profits, it also increases the potential for losses.

Maximum Profit and Loss

The maximum profit and loss (PnL) for a user is 20 times their collateral. This means that if a user has $100 worth of collateral, they can potentially gain up to $2,000 on their position. This highlights the power of leveraged trading but also underscores the need for effective risk management.

Market Times

Our platform operates 24/7, in line with the cryptocurrency markets. This means you can manage your positions whenever you wish. However, please be aware that when traditional stock markets are closed, there may be less volume and volatility in the crypto markets.

Liquidation Settlement Fee

A liquidation settlement fee of $5 is charged when a user's position is liquidated. This fee is deducted from the remaining collateral after the liquidation process.

Guaranteed Stop Losses

In our always-open crypto markets, we can guarantee your stop loss will be triggered at the exact price you set, regardless of the time it takes to execute. This offers you additional protection against sudden market moves. However, in times of high network congestion, your stop loss might not trigger immediately. Hence, we advise not to manually close your order as this could void the guaranteed stop loss and would instead count as a market close at the price when it gets triggered​.