πŸ“ƒESBT Boosting

As we know not all users trade on El Dorado Exchange, rather than tie all methods of point rewarding to trading, swapping or minting activities, we have launched a new system that enables anyone with $EDE to use it to boost their epoints.

On the ESBT page, users can click on the 'boost' button to bring up the option to burn $EDE for epoints.

Upon clicking the icon, users can input how much $EDE they wish to burn. Each $EDE burnt will yield 200 epoints for their ESBT.

After inputting your desired amount & approving the corresponding TXN, you will receive the epoints for your ESBT.

The current rate as mentioned is 200epoints per 1 $EDE, which will be increased or decreased subject to community feedback & usage of this system.